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All about our "5 GMs Presents" miniseries
What are we presenting? Why, a plethora of miniseries, of course! As creatives, it's hard to contain all of our ideas. Sometimes, the ideas we have for campaigns work out better as one-shots or as an under-10-episode series. Check out all the cool character art we have for each series.
Enter the Spider-Verse (w/LatinosAgainstSpookyShit)
Run by GM Adam using the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game | Art by @gremlinfroggart
Prehistoric Panic
(w/GameRaterGirl and
Keshia from Reel Scrolls Film Co.)
Run by GM Adam using Escape from Dino Island | Art by @gremlinfroggart
Heartland Home
Run by GM Kim using Perils & Princesses | Art by @emmer_g
Students of Strixhaven
Run by GM Adam using Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Art by @gremlinfroggart
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